OzBus ceases trading
End of the road shortly after buying Harrison Holidays OzBus, the coach tour company which offered London to Sydney overland trips, has ceased trading, despite having recently acquired Harrison Holidays.
End of the road shortly after buying Harrison Holidays OzBus, the coach tour company which offered London to Sydney overland trips, has ceased trading, despite having recently acquired Harrison Holidays.
National Express West Midlands (NXWM) is funding a scheme to introduce more full-time police officers to patrol services and clamp down on antisocial behaviour.
BMC UK is proposing to bring what it calls ‘the tried and tested’ BMC Procity CNG SLF bus to the UK. To date, over 300 Procity CNG buses are in service in five major cities […]
Bus lanes in Sheffield could be made available to motorists with passengers and delivery drivers as part of a trial scheme. Sheffield Council has received £80,000 of local transport funding to investigate the feasibility of […]
Warneford to work alongside new Managing Director Robert Montgomery for a year Les Warneford, Managing Director of Stagecoach UK Bus, is to retire next year.
The Chairman of Centro, councillor Angus Adams, died suddenly on April 10, aged 67. Cllr Adams was taken ill at the home of his partner, Jennie. He leaves two daughters and three grandchildren. He had […]
The Road Haulage Association (RHA) has hit out at what it says is clear evidence of profiteering over diesel prices. “We have no doubt diesel prices at the forecourt have rocketed as a result of […]
Coach & Bus Week’s Editor Gareth Evans sets the scene for an in-depth look at Go-Ahead Group which begins a series of similar articles encompassing all the major bus groups We’re breaking new ground here at Coach […]
Arrow Coach Travel has been awarded the prize of Small to Mediumsized Business of the Year at the Brighouse Echo Business Awards. Judges were looking for sound financial performance and an understanding of the importance […]
Nexus’ plan to introduce Quality Contracts (QCs) to the North East has been met with more resistance during talks between bus operators, Nexus and councillors on the Tyne and Wear ITA. The controversial QCs proposed […]
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