North East bus operators and Nexus talk partnership
The North East Bus Operators’ Association (NEBOA) has welcomed an invitation from Nexus PTE to hold a series of workshops aimed at hammering out a deal to improve services in Tyne and Wear.
The North East Bus Operators’ Association (NEBOA) has welcomed an invitation from Nexus PTE to hold a series of workshops aimed at hammering out a deal to improve services in Tyne and Wear.
Last week rumours were circulating about several key sales personnel at MAN Truck & Bus UK having been dismissed. CEO Des Evans issued the following statement:
All delegate places and exhibition spaces have now been booked for the forthcoming ALBUM conference on May 14 and 15, 2013 at The Belton Woods Hotel, Grantham.
IRTE is hosting the Technician Professional Development Conference on April 17 in Westminster, with IMechE (Institution of Mechanical Engineers) and the FTA.
The organisers of the 2013 UK Coach Awards have announced that BBC Breakfast TV’s popular weather presenter Carol Kirkwood is to again host the awards ceremony, for the fifth consecutive year.
CBW’s sister publication Group Travel World (GTW) has launched its new directory – a catalogue of transport options, destinations and accomodation for group travel organisers.
Eminox to work with operators to ensure buses meet Euro 4 standard or better Eminox SCRT emissions technology is being rolled out as part of a major retrofit programme in London to tackle air pollution. […]
In what Epsom Coach Group has described as a ‘unique arrangement’, the RATP Groupowned operator has teamed up with EvoBus to stock parts for the firm’s increasing Mercedes- Benz and Setra fleet. Parts will be […]
Six electric vehicles are planned for development during the twoyear trial project in Poland POLAND A Chinese electric vehicle consortium led by the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) has signed agreements to help develop an […]
CANADA Volvo Buses’ North American subsidiary, Nova Bus, has received an order for 475 hybrids, the largest ever signed by the group, from Quebec in Canada. Delivery of the LFS HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle) buses […]
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