Lothian Buses orders 25 Euro 6 Gemini double deckers
Lothian Buses has made its first order for Euro 6 double-decker buses
Lothian Buses has made its first order for Euro 6 double-decker buses
Isle of Man Transport has put into service two Wrightbus StreetLite Max buses as part of an overall order for six StreetLite single decks.
MAN is to move its remaining coach range production from Germany to Turkey by spring 2015.
UK Bus sees improved profit margins and passenger numbers, though revenue and overall profits drop FirstGroup has released its preliminary results for the year to March 31, 2014.
The last Setra to be built for the UK, a 53-seater S416 GT-HD tri-axle, has been acquired by Talisman Coach Lines.
Fuel theft is becoming a bigger issue for organisations that hold bulk fuel stocks. Criminals are more organised, to the extent that they are using tankers in their raids, instead of drums.
The operator claims impending concessionary fare cuts do not comply with EU law Stagecoach has threatened a legal challenge over plans by the Welsh Government to make changes to the country’s concessionary travel scheme.
iDBUS, SNCF’s premium longdistance coach service is launching a new route between London, Brussels and Amsterdam.
Four of the 10 vehicles in Europe’s largest hydrogen fuel cell bus fleet are unveiled The Aberdeen Hydrogen Bus Project marked a major milestone last Wednesday with the unveiling of the first vehicles of Europe’s […]
Highlights include a £500m grant in Cambridge, another fuel duty freeze and a rolling tax exemption for heritage vehicles In the 2014 Budget, released on Wednesday, March 19, Chancellor George Osborne announced several developments which […]
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