Money for nothin’?
There’s help available to businesses that invest the time to look. From finance and grants to mentoring and tax regimes, these programmes can make the difference between success and failure, writes Adam Bernstein
There’s help available to businesses that invest the time to look. From finance and grants to mentoring and tax regimes, these programmes can make the difference between success and failure, writes Adam Bernstein
At the Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) Annual Dinner on 31 January 2019, Martin Dean gave his second speech as CPT President after agreeing to continue in the role for a second term. CPT Restructure […]
The current craze for 1940s revival events is said to be giving a major boost to heritage vehicle operators.
It’s confirmed. Heritage route 15H in London using Routemasters is to be cut back, says Nick Larkin
A major bus and coach bodywork repairer is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and taking on one of its biggest ever restoration projects.
Our industry insider calls for the industry to ramp-up its lobbying in 2019 and stop ‘treading water’
SWEDEN Fourth Swedish city buys electric buses from Volvo Volvo Buses has received an order for three all-electric and three electric hybrid buses from KE’s Bussar in Kungsbacka on Sweden’s west coast. They mark the […]
NETHERLANDS A ceremony has been held in Schiedam, the Netherlands to celebrate BYD Europe’s 20th anniversary. Schiedam, part of the greater Rotterdam region, is the city where BYD’s European headquarters have been based since December […]
FRANCE For the first time in its history, Solaris Bus & Coach has won a contract for the supply of Saint-Etienne Trollino trolleybuses in France. In accordance with the terms of the tender, it will […]
Photographed by Calum MacLennan at Sudbury on its way from Uttoxeter to Burton-on-Trent is a Midland Classic Wrightbus-bodied Scania L94UB that was new to Dunn-Line in 2001. Calum remembers the bus well when it was […]
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