A stand-out destination
York has a long and fascinating and history, offering a great deal for coach parties. Angela Youngman runs through some highlights Perennially popular, York has always been a magnet for tourists. The towering grandeur of […]
York has a long and fascinating and history, offering a great deal for coach parties. Angela Youngman runs through some highlights Perennially popular, York has always been a magnet for tourists. The towering grandeur of […]
Roger Bull of R.B. Travel gives Peter Jackson an insight into his company, and reflects on his career 55 years after it began Based in Kettering, Northamptonshire, R.B. Travel today has a smart and varied […]
National Express West Midlands has dedicated a Platinum bus to local bus enthusiast Alex Boughey. The special dedication for 11-year-old Alex was unveiled on Saturday 16 November when he was picked up from home in […]
Alan Payling has a look through some memorabilia from his time with Wallace Arnold at the turn of the century, material he is donating to a good home to preserve it for posterity. He also […]
Stagecoach East has launched a new ‘Books on Buses’ initiative on the Citi 1 route, which travels between Orton, Werrington and Queensgate in Peterborough. Thanks to a partnership with the National Literacy Trust, 10 of […]
A major event by a museum which aimed to promote the use of trolleybuses by today’s operators had to be cancelled due to the recent severe weather affecting Yorkshire, reports Nick Larkin The Trolleybus Museum […]
Felix of Long Melford, Suffolk, has acquired a further Bedford OB, bringing the number of these vehicles in its heritage fleet to three. The latest addition, a 1950 Duple-bodied example, was new as GBL200 to […]
A transport museum has issued a list of operators and anniversaries it will be celebrating… over the next five years. This extraordinary piece of forward planning comes from the Manchester Museum of Transport, with the […]
AEC Routemasters and their owners are invited to attend an anniversary event for a unique finale. December 2019 is the 14th anniversary of the last mainstream crew operation in London and the date when Routemasters […]
Alan Payling visits a hidden and historic gem on Plymouth’s waterfront that would be the highlight of a trip to Plymouth whether passengers arrive by coach or by boat Plymouth’s association with the country’s maritime […]
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