United Counties 100

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Nick Larkin celebrates the centenary of United Counties

The centenary of the United Counties Omnibus Company has been celebrated at three separate events this year. Vehicles that once ran for the operator formed a central display at Showbus 2021, buses were seen on their old routes during the 100 Years of United Counties bus rally, organised by Northampton Transport Heritage on 19 September and based at the town’s Market Square, and the third event was the Wellingborough Running Day and Bus Rally on 14 August, again with buses giving free rides.

The United Counties Omnibus & Road Transport Co, with Tilling as its major shareholder, was formed to acquire Northamptonshire operations of the Wellingborough Motor Co. Several other local operators were taken over during the next two decades and regular coach services to London started in 1933. In 1948, as part of the Tilling Group, United Counties was nationalised. The company‘s biggest expansion came in 1952 with the transfer of eight depots and 247 vehicles from Eastern National.

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