Newark-based Travel Wright has announced that it plans to close in April. In a statement, the company said: “It is with great sadness we have to announce Travel Wright intends to close the business in early April. We are looking to retire and have accordingly been looking for a buyer such that the business could continue as a going concern but unfortunately this has not happened. It has been a difficult decision to make and will be a very sad day for our family, our staff and we are sure our customers too. A final decision will be announced on or around 18 February.
“We will continue to support our staff and would like to thank them for their loyalty and for helping us to achieve what we hope will be an honourable exit. It would be fantastic for the public to support us during the next nine weeks or so – perhaps taking a last outing to the seaside, a short break or even booking a coach for a day out – we do hope so’
“We can categorically state our business remains solvent and we will continue to honour all of our bookings; day excursions, holidays, services, private hire and contracts up to and including Sunday 3 April.
“We would like to extend a huge thank to our excursion and holiday passengers, schools, private hire customers and businesses, indeed all who have supported us over the years; it will be a very sad day and we trust you will agree the end of an era in Newark.”
The company was established as Wright & Sons as long ago as 1926 on Lincoln Road in Newark and currently operates a fleet of around 30 vehicles.