Oxford bus driver hangs up his keys after two million miles

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Roger Pudwell with Phil Southall, Oxford Bus Company’s Managing Director. OXFORD BUS COMPANY

A bus and coach driver who clocked over two million miles during a 42-year career has completed his service on public transport and retired. Roger Pudwell joined Oxford Bus Company on 15 September 1980, when Diana Ross was topping the charts and the average family home set a buyer back £23,000.

A carpenter by trade, Roger only planned to be on the buses for 12 months at most. But 42 years after serving his first customers, and an estimated 20,000 journeys later, the 65-year-old has decided to hang up his keys. A resident of the city’s Blackbird Leys area, he has witnessed plenty of change in the industry during his career but said the key qualities of a being a good bus driver will always remain the same.


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