Alan Payling, our man in the popular coach destination of South Devon, asks why operators keep sending coaches to one common but unsuitable destination, particularly as there are now no official coach parking facilities. And for anyone who still wants to take a coach there, Alan offers some tips to avoid problems
Every year, as if like clockwork, I meet a few drivers staying in Torbay that have Salcombe on their itineraries. As they are not familiar with the place, they ask me for a bit of advice. I usually start by groaning a little bit – well, quite a lot actually – particularly when I realise that someone has decided that it was a really great idea to visit Salcombe in a brand new tri-axle. When I’ve finished shaking my head I continue by asking the driver if they really have to go there. Usually they do. So I try to help them as much as I can. Let me explain why I am less than enthusiastic about coach parties visiting Salcombe.
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