Bristol to London express centenary

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The Lord Mayor of Bristol cutting the ribbon to see the convoy on its way. ALLAN MACFARLANE

Mike Walker reports from a centenary event to mark the history of Bristol to London express coaches

CBW readers will be aware that 11 February marked the centenary of the Bristol to London express coach service, commonly believed to be the first of its type not only in the UK, but in the world.

The Bristol Omnibus Vehicle Collection formed over 20 years ago to preserve the vehicles and artefacts of the former Bristol Omnibus Company and Bristol Tramways & Carriage Company, which took over Greyhound Motors, the originator of the service, and kept the Greyhound name for its express coach operations, owns, amongst other vehicles, four former Bristol Greyhound coaches, and so it felt only right that these should be used in some form of celebration of this event.

On Sunday 23 February, at the original 1925 departure time of 0900hrs at Prince Street, Bristol, the Lord Mayor of Bristol cut a grey ribbon to allow the four vintage coaches to start their historic recreation of that 1925 pioneering journey.


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