Labour launches ‘Passenger Power’ campaign

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Labour has launched an online social media campaign called ‘Passenger Power,’ asking people to tweet about changing the bus industry through the hashtag #PassengerPower.

Michael Dugher, Shadow Secretary of State for Transport, said: “Bus services are the lifelines of our communities. They are a critical tool for the economic growth we need to see. We know that good quality public transport is often the difference between accessing work and not, as well as increasing social inclusion and economic activity.

“That’s is why I am so bitterly disappointed in new figures we have highlighted today which show:  The number of bus miles has decreased since 2010, 1,300 bus routes have been cut on David Cameron’s watch, and fares have increased five times faster than wages at the same time as the bus companies’ revenues and executive bonuses have continued to rise.

“Labour’s ‘Passenger Power’ Campaign launched today will lead to significant change across England. Only Labour has a commitment to legislate to give greater control over local bus services to cities and county regions. Through the ability to determine routes, set fares and integrate bus services with other forms of public transport, local areas will be able to provide better services at one clearly understood price.

“Today, Labour’s Transport team is joining PPCs and campaigners in every English region outside London to let the bus barons and the Government know that passenger power is coming back. We have already seen the vested interests lashing out — they know we are serious and they know our proposals are what communities around the country are calling out for.

“We want to see a fairer industry, more balanced towards the needs of passengers rather than the chief executives of the big bus companies.”


Follow Michael Dugher on Twitter @MichaelDugherMP. Have a response to Labour’s stance on the industry? Please send your views to [email protected]