Lothian Buses makes interim management changes

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Jim McFarlane steps in as General Manager, with Ian Craig remaining as CEO of Transport for Edinburgh

Lothian Buses Chairman Tony Depledge has agreed a series of interim management arrangements to be put in place.

An interim General Manager, Jim McFarlane, joined Lothian Buses last week to lead the executive team there. All management responsibility for Executive Directors will now fall to the new General Manager.

Ian Craig will remain Chief Executive of Transport for Edinburgh, with responsibility for the progression of the Group priorities. He will have ultimate responsibility for Edinburgh Trams while maintaining links to Lothian Buses through the new General Manager and other key staff.

Tony Depledge will remain as Chairman and current Senior Independent Executive Director John Martin will become Deputy Chairman. Both of these positions will continue on an interim basis.

Jim McFarlane said: “I come to Lothian Buses with an open mind and I want to reassure everyone at the company that I won’t be passing judgement on the issues that precede me.

“My role is to join this company to build new relationships, repair existing ones and, most importantly to stabilise a business which, as a major employer and service provider, is a hugely valuable component of life in our Capital city.”

Tony Depledge, Lothian Buses Chairman added: “It has been an extremely challenging period for this company and it is my responsibility, and the responsibility of all board members, to steady the ship and ensure a sustainable position is achieved. These measures will put structures in place to ensure that Lothian Buses can operate effectively during a phase of transition, while retaining a wider focus on the importance of Edinburgh’s integrated transport offering.”

Ian Craig, Chief Executive of Transport for Edinburgh, said: “I welcome the opportunity to continue in my role, driving the Transport for Edinburgh agenda forward, which has been my priority over the last two years. With annual passenger numbers up six million extra journeys a year, an excellently integrated customer offer and a young but flourishing brand, the whole TfE Group is well placed to move on positively.

“I am keen to play my part and fit in with these new management arrangements that, amongst other things, will involve a newly defined role for the remainder of my time here. I am determined to use that time constructively and make a positive impact to the benefit of the city.”