Lilian Greenwood chosen as new Transport Select Committee Chairman

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Lilian Greenwood (Labour, Nottingham South) has been chosen as the new Chairman of the Transport Select Committee.

A secret ballot of MPs took place on Wednesday, July 12, with votes counted under the Alternative Vote system. Lilian Greenwood will formally take up position as Chairman of the committee when the remaining members of the committee have been named by the House of Commons. The runner up was Bridget Phillipson (Houghton and Labour, Sunderland South).

Lilian said: “I am very proud to be elected Chair of the Transport Select Committee, especially in such a strong field of Labour candidates. Louise Ellman will be a hard act to follow.

“The Department for Transport (DfT) needs effective and fairhanded scrutiny. I look forward to leading the committee and considering all aspects of transport policy.”

The Transport Select Committee is charged by the House of Commons with scrutiny of the DfT. Its formal remit is to examine the expenditure, administration and policy of the DfT and its associated public bodies.

The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, appointed by the House of Commons and drawn from the three largest political parties. It chooses its own subjects of inquiry. Depending on the subject, external deadlines, and the amount of oral evidence the Committee decides to take, an inquiry may last for several months, or a single day.