CPT driver CPC courses start soon

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CPT will start delivering Driver CPC courses for its members, starting later this month.

Initially courses will be held in London and Essex. The first course, Customer Care–Equality, will be held in Chelmsford on February 20 and in London at CPT offices on the March 12.

The courses will be delivered by respected trainers Fran Garthwaite and Brian Masters, MBE.

CPT’s operation’s director, Stephen Smith, said: “With September 2013 fast approaching now is the time for CPT as the trade association for the bus and coach industry to help its members ensure their drivers are CPC qualified by delivering its own bespoke Driver CPC courses”.

Topics covered will include the Equality Act, customer care and the concept of the social model of disability. Courses are available at £80 plus VAT per person.

Further courses include Saturday March 27, Saturday March 24, Monday April 2 and Monday April 16. These will all be held at the Chelmsford location. Courses will continue to run throughout the rest of 2012.

This course forms part of the Driver CPC training requirement of 35 hours (5×7) of periodic training which is a legal requirement for all bus and coach drivers to complete by September 2013.

CPT Members can download a booking form from the news pages of the CPT website: www.cpt-uk.org