Glasgow City Council back emergency motion on FirstBus

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After an announcement in June that FirstGroup is putting its UK operations up for sale, it has been reported that Glasgow City Council unanimously backed an emergency motion to take the city’s buses into public ownership.

The motion came after a petition signed by 3,500 which called for Glasgow City Council to buy First Bus.

When CBW reached out to FirstGroup for a comment a FirstGroup spokesperson said: “Last month we announced that we will be pursuing strategic options to separate First Bus from FirstGroup.

“This could be via a sale – either as a whole or in part – or by other means such as a demerger or partnership.

“As this process unfolds, we will continue to operate our services as usual, working closely with our local authority partners and demonstrating our commitment to our customers through the service we offer them.

“In recent years we have improved customer service at First Bus by investing in our buses and new technology, transforming our networks, and making operations and maintenance more efficient.

“As a result, First Bus is now on a much stronger footing, and we believe it is the right time to pursue structural alternatives so the business can continue to provide excellent service, ensure the best possible future for our staff and continue to meet stakeholders’ requirements

“The hard work and commitment of our employees has ensured that First Bus is now well-placed for the future and we will keep them up-to-date over the coming months.”


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