Nat Ex introduce more officers

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National Express West Midlands (NXWM) is funding a scheme to introduce more full-time police officers to patrol services and clamp down on antisocial behaviour.

The two officers, who will travel both in uniform and undercover, will patrol based on known crime hotspots and public tip-offs. More than 2,300 crimes and violent attacks were recorded on West Midlands’ buses in 2011, although NXWM claims crime has fallen 61% over the past five years due to increased policing.

Currently, the Safer Travel Partnership gives passengers the chance to send complaints about antisocial behaviour via text message.

The partnership currently has two sergeants and an inspector as well as a number of police community support officers.

Peter Coates, Managing Director of NXWM, said: “We take antisocial behaviour on our buses very seriously and as a result of the action we have taken this has fallen by 61% in the last five years.

“Incidents of serious crime on the bus are few and far between but we know our customers don’t want people smoking, playing loud music and refusing to pay fares. The addition of two new police officers to the bus network is great news.”