West of England multioperator day ticket launched

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An unlimited daily travel card is now available for bus passengers in Bath, Bristol and North Somerset.

The Avon Rider card enables adult travellers to hop on and off all major buses in the former Avon area without being restricted to a single operator. The new travel card was developed by the area’s bus companies in partnership.

Cards cost £7.20 per day as an introductory price, which will rise to £7.50 and can be purchased from drivers.

John Burch, spokesman for the West of England Bus Operators’ Association, the organisation behind the roll-out of the new ticket, said: “The development of this multi-operator travelcard is significant. It is something the operators have worked on together for the benefit of customers.

“It will mean a customer can travel throughout the entire West of England region, using multiple different operators’ services for one set price.

“The travelcard can be bought on any of the operators’ services making the process of getting one really simple for the customer. This will ultimately save time and money and make travelling by bus much easier for everyone.”

Mr Burch said the tickets were mainly aimed at commuters who use more than one bus to get to and from work, often from different operators and tourists in the region who may want to visit a number of attractions in a single day.

Perhaps Dave Fricker of North Somerset Coaches summed it up when he said: “It shows we can all work together and do things for the benefit of passengers.”