King Alfred restorations

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Members of the FoKAB fleet will be out and about as soon as possible. FoKAB

As Nick Larkin reports, although things are starting to look up across the country, there are still uncertainties affecting events scheduled for this year

Although Covid-19 has taken its toll on the activities of Friends of King Alfred Buses (FoKAB), with another of its events cancelled in May, work on major restorations is continuing apace, says Chairman James Freeman.

“Meetings have moved onto Zoom, events have largely disappeared (though we did manage a very successful pop-up museum display day last September) and longer-term restoration has gone onto go-slow as each lockdown has precluded activity,” he said. “Routine maintenance has carried on, thanks to a dedicated band of volunteers who have been working in ‘Covid-secure’ conditions, but there are two bigger projects.

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