All eyes on Washington

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Emily Whitlam takes us for a timely look at the buses of Washington D.C.

Where else could this be? Transport is maybe not the first thing that comes to mind in Washington D.C. EMILY WHITLAM

With the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th president of the United States on 20 January, the world’s eyes have recently been on Washington D.C. But what about its bus network? How does that look, in addition to the vehicles used to transport the city’s 25 million tourists each year? During a holiday last summer, I took a closer look.

America’s capital has an integrated public transport system controlled by Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA, branded as ‘Metro’), which comprises Metrobus for the city’s bus network, Metrorail for the train rapid transit side of operations and also MetroAccess, a ride sharing service for those with disabilities who are unable access bus stops. The switch between Metrobus and Metrorail is made efficient by the use of a ‘SmarTrip’ card, which functions much like the Oyster cards used by Transport for London.


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