Book reviews: Irish Buses 2012-2017 & Irish Buses in the Mid-1960s A Return Journey

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Two recently published titles from Colourpoint Creative in its Irish Bus Photographers series are Irish Buses 2012-2017 by Paul Savage and Richard Newman’s Irish Buses in the Mid-1960s A Return Journey. Paul’s book is priced £12.99, Richard’s £9.99. [wlm_nonmember][…]

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Paul is an accomplished photographer and the period he’s chosen to cover has been deliberately chosen to enable readers to compare and contrast the buses and coaches seen in those years with those pictured by Richard covering a similar period, but half a century earlier. A book previously published by Colourpoint in 2007 covered a visit Richard also made in July 1965.

As might be expected, all of Paul’s pictures are in colour, but what makes this book particularly attractive is the variety of angles and locations chosen. It doesn’t look like he normally uses a polarising filter either which, while it can suppress annoying reflections on the sides of vehicles, particularly coaches, can also have the effect of flattening the image – a tool that is probably best used sparingly. The richly varied Irish bus scene is well captured by the chosen images.

Richard’s pictures for the latest book were taken on a tour of the Emerald Isle in 1967. Consequently all, bar those on the front and back cover, are black & white. Travelling with a friend, George Wheeler, where they went is outlined in what is a very readable introduction.
Half a century is a long time by anyone’s standards and this is a valuable record of the Irish transport scene at a time when few were taking photos of it. Notable is the access to depots that the travellers were given, and the condition of some of the vehicles. Bus deregulation in Britain is sometimes cited for a lowering in the standards of vehicle presentation, but everything wasn’t necessarily ‘spick and span’ in 1960s Ireland either.

Two books that underline just how much the world – in this case the Irish one – has changed over what is a long period, but still one in living memory for some.

  • Colourpoint Creative, Colourpoint House, Jubilee Business Park, 21 Jubilee Road, Newtownards, BT23 4YH. Tel: 028 9182 0505. Email: [email protected]. Website: