‘Brave and selfless’ bus driver wins firm’s top award

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Amy Howells receives her award from Andrew Wickham. SWINDON’S BUS COMPANY

A Wiltshire bus driver who received widespread praise for her brave actions when running to the aid of a young man who was attacked by a machete-wielding assailant, has been named Employee of the Year by Go Ahead-Group-owned Swindon’s Bus Company.

Amy Howells joined the bus operator in 2018, and has been recognised after helping to save the man’s life last year. “This horrifying incident took place whilst Amy was driving her bus,” explained Swindon’s Bus Company Managing Director, Andrew Wickham. “When others might have justifiably stayed within the relative safety of their cab, Amy took it upon herself to leave her vehicle and run to the aid of the injured youth, whilst the assailants were still in the vicinity.


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“Her brave and selfless actions, taken without thought for her own safety, were officially recognised by Wiltshire Police with the Chief Constable’s Award, after being nominated by Robert Buckland MP. Amy went beyond what could be reasonably expected of her, and she is an absolute credit to our company. Congratulations Amy, your award is richly deserved and I wish you every success for the coming year,” he concluded.

Also taking the Employee of the Year title for Swindon’s Bus Company’s parent operator Go South Coast, Amy was presented with her awards by Andrew at the operator’s annual ceremony.

Amy, who had first aid and medical training from a previous job as a carer, added: “I ran over to the lad, who was on the floor bleeding. The priority was to keep him alive until the medical help could get there. I never expected

all this recognition but I’m delighted with this award from Swindon’s Bus Company.”

In recognition of her efforts, she received £3,000, two weeks’ additional holiday as well as framed certificates.
