Cardiff Bus Unite workers set to strike over pay

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Cardiff Bus workers are expected to take industrial action in a row over pay, the BBC has reported.

Unite members, including drivers, will take part in a series of one-day strikes, which were due to start on September 2, following a ballot of members, although Cardiff Bus was in talks with union officials to avoid the strike as CBW went to press.

Other strike dates are September 5, 19-20 (48 hour action) and September 23, and October 1-2 (48 hour action), October 11 and October 17-18 (48 hour action). Many of the strike dates have been chosen to coincide with Rugby World Cup matches in the city.

A 3% pay rise, back-dated to April, followed by a 2% increase in 2016, has been accepted by some Unison members.

Unite Wales called on Cardiff Bus to ‘stop the misleading media spin and negotiate,’ while the operator said the situation was disappointing.

The union said workers had overwhelmingly rejected the pay offer and announced that more than 540 Unite members at Cardiff Bus would be involved in 10 strikes spread over a seven-week period.

Alan McCarthy, Unite regional industrial organiser, said: “We are extremely disappointed that Cardiff Bus has proceeded with a media offensive against its own workers rather than putting its efforts into preventing this looming dispute.

“Workers are very angry at Cardiff Bus’ intransigence with regards to its pay offer.”

Cynthia Ogbonna, of Cardiff Bus, said: “It’s disappointing some of our staff don’t think a 5% pay rise is enough.

“We believe we have made an excellent offer, which was accepted by our Unison members in July, but Unite has held out for more money, which we simply do not have.

“We have to think about the long term sustainability of the business which is facing increased competition and dwindling passenger numbers.”