
Zero-emission xcursion

                  Jonathan Welch tries out Xplore Dundee’s new electric double-deckers Dundee is Scotland’s fourth-largest city, after Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen. Yet it often feels like the kind […]


Highland Hydrogen

Jonathan Welch took the opportunity to look at Caetano’s hydrogen-fuelled H2.City Gold while it was on trial with Stagecoach in Inverness Caetano is a name which will be familiar to most within the coach and […]


eVoRa evolution

Jonathan Welch looks at the new 10.8-metre variant of MCV’s Volvo B8RLE-based eVoRa as delivered to Stagecoach in Orkney Last week, we looked at the changing operations of Stagecoach in Orkney, which has just received […]


All change in Kolkata

                A discussion at the recent COP26 conference prompted Jonathan Welch to look a bit more closely at Kolkata’s bus network There were many varied events, discussions and […]