
Raising the standard

Jonathan Welch reports from the launch of Transdev’s new route 36 buses for its Harrogate Bus Company subsidiary It doesn’t seem all that long ago that I attended the launch of Transdev’s latest WitchWay double-deckers, […]


Standing Tall

Jonathan Welch takes a first look at the new Yutong U11DD, designed especially for the UK market and unveiled at Busworld in Brussels Yutong is a name which no longer needs introduction to UK operators. […]

Bus News

Euro Switch on

Jonathan Welch speaks to some of the team behind the new Switch e1 electric bus aimed at the European market As reported in our news pages this week, Switch Mobility has launched its new European city […]



Witchever way you look, new buses will be zapping about on Transdev routes in Lancashire and Yorkshire from this week. Jonathan Welch takes a closer look at the new buses for CityZap and Witchway On […]