Jonathan Welch speaks to Håkon Sæther, CEO of software specialist Ferdia, about its products aimed at increasing operational efficiency in the coach sector

We all know the problem. Only 24 hours in a day. Only seven days in a week. It’s never enough, is it? We can’t have longer weeks or more hours in a day, but we can do more with the hours we have. We can work smarter, not harder, and be more efficient. We’ve heard from some quarters that rates have gotten better since the pandemic, whilst others say they’re still too low. So how can operators get more from less, increase their efficiency, and provide added value to their services at the same time? Norwegian company Ferdia is expanding its operations and has its sights set on the UK as a next major objective.
Visitors to the National Exhibition Centre for Euro Bus Expo in November might have seen the company’s stand, manned by CEO Håkon Sæther along with colleagues Thomas and Ulric. In fact, one of the company’s most recent product developments, Sharebus, won a bronze award in the event’s Innovation Challenge. But let’s start by rewinding to the beginning. What is Ferdia, and why does it see that United Kingdom’s coach industry as a key next step in its growth plans?
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