Coloured lighting a ‘real success’ says Reading Buses

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Reading Buses has brought a splash of colour to relieve the darkness of the pandemic with its coloured route brands and says it is looking to strengthen them further. A prototype lighting system has been installed on one of its silver generic spare buses that covers all routes, and will allow the bus to ‘become’ the colour of the route it’s running on.

Robert Williams, Chief Executive Officer of Reading Buses, said: “The trial is part of our ongoing programme to maintain and refresh the fleet. This includes the recent updating of the yellow 26. The refresh includes improved seats, wood effect flooring and USB charging in addition to free WiFi and next stop destination announcements. One bus will also be in the silver spare colours.”

Alan Cressey from Hanover Displays, supplier of the new lighting equipment and Reading Buses’ long term supplier for destination displays, said: “It has been a pleasure working with the Reading Buses team to develop this product.” The installation work was carried out by Bus & Coach World, a long-time contractor of Reading Buses.

The bus is the subject of this week’s Big Picture and can be seen on our centre pages.