Jonathan Welch takes a look at some of the topics discussed at the recent CPT 2022 conference along with some of the points raised
Over two days in late January, the CPT held its annual conference online, with a range of speakers covering the topics which are currently impacting the industry, including Enhanced Partnerships, Bus Service Improvement Plans and wider environmental, economic and social issues. Headlined by Transport Minister Baroness Vere, themes for the first day included the future of coach and bus, whether the industry is on track and ‘getting it right,’ and changing behaviour to get more people on to public transport. Day two saw Shadow Transport Secretary Sam Tarry set out what a Labour government would do for transport, and covered themes including retaining skills and knowledge, as well as the growing domestic tourism.
Baroness Vere’s keynote speech was enthusiastic, as her discourses on the coach and bus sector always are. Whilst there have been ups and downs, especially over finance provision in recent weeks as evidenced again in this week’s news pages, the Baroness always comes across as having a keen interest in the sector, though that doesn’t necessarily equate to good news. Building on comments by CPT’s Graham Vidler that buses and coaches will continue to be vital to the economy, the Baroness said that now restrictions are lifting, we know people will return, even if not to the same services at the same times, something which will present an ongoing challenge to operators in determining how this might play out.
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