CPT launches coach decarbonisation taskforce

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The Confederation of Passenger Transport has created an industry-wide coach decarbonisation taskforce to start to create the roadmap which will help operators decarbonise their fleets. Under the chairmanship of Ian Luckett of Lucketts Travel Group and National Express, and reporting to CPT’s Coach Commission, the taskforce’s aim is to bring together operators, manufacturers and other industry experts. It will start by reviewing and evidencing the challenges the industry faces to decarbonising the country’s coach fleet, building on the conclusions from the recent CPT coach decarbonisation conference.

Ultimately, the CPT plans to put together a report on potential solutions for the sector, to be released in the summer of 2022, to help shape the policies of governments and regions across Britain on the future direction for the coach sector.
Read the the full story about the CPT decarbonisation taskforce in this week’s issue.