Crowdfunding appeal to purchase bus

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Scania OmniDekka with Nottingham Historic Vehicles Charity’s promotional Leyland National. NHVC

A preserved bus owning charity, which has won praise from Nottingham City Transport, has launched a crowdfunding appeal to hopefully add another of the operator’s vehicles to its collection. [wlm_nonmember][…]

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Nottingham Heritage Vehicles Charity (NHVC) is hoping to raise £15,000 towards the purchase of 2005 Scania OmniDekka YN05WFE, the last survivor of the batch in NCT service. The bus was painted in traditional Nottingham City Transport colours two years ago to mark the 50th anniversary of the operator’s final trolleybuses in service.

The OmniDekka has more recently been used to commemorate Nottingham’s 140th anniversary celebrations. The charity supplied several buses from its collection for an official anniversary display in the centre of Nottingham, and also Showbus 2018.

NCT’s Marketing Manager, Anthony Carver-Smith, said: “We would like to thank NHVC for the support they have given in supplying vehicles and generally supporting our 140th anniversary celebrations. We hope the crowdfunding appeal is a success.”

NHVC was founded in 1999 and awarded charitable status in 2014. The group has more than 20 vehicles in its collection and is based at the art deco former Trent depot at Hucknall, Nottingham.

The collection includes several Leyland Atlanteans to Nottingham specification and even FE02AKV, a Wrightbus-bodied Scania L94UA artic new to the operator. Trent and South Notts are also among operators represented in the collection. Open days are held regularly and the charity always welcomes volunteers.

Trustee, Simon Lowings, said: “We have really enjoyed working closely with NCT in promoting their heritage and raising awareness of the charity and our work. We wish to add the Scania OmniDekka to our collection, as being a DDA compliant vehicle we would be able to expand our work with local schools, less-abled members and community groups. We wonder if Scania or any other bus industry organisation might be prepared to assist.”

To donate to the crowdfunding appeal contact The closing date is 20 October. The charity website is at

Nottingham City Transport is auctioning copies of a 140th anniversary booklet on eBay with proceeds going to charity. Type in ‘Nottingham City Transport 140 Years Book,’ or log onto NCT’s website
