Disney magic bus

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A vehicle with Disney connections is being offered for sale with heritage operators in mind.

It may look like a vintage vehicle, but this is in fact a 1992 2.0 litre-engine Ford Transit-based Asquith Mascot. [wlm_nonmember][…]

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New to Disney World Tokyo, the bus has been brought back to Britain by Teesside-based The Car Warehouse, which has imported hundreds of vehicles from Japan.

“We have many Japanese contacts and were tipped off about the Asquith,” said Manager Keith Johnson. “We know several operators of heritage buses for weddings etc and this Asquith would be ideal for them. We’ve already had some interest.” The 10-seater vehicle is said to be in first class condition.

The Asquith Motor Carriage Company was set up in July 1981 by entrepreneurs Crispin Reed and Bruce West, who had been using a 1920s Austin van as a promotional vehicle for their reproduction furniture business.

Though successful, the van proved unreliable, and with numerous enquiries from people wanting similar vehicles, it was decided to go into production with replica vehicles built by skilled furniture makers. More than 1,000 Asquiths were built before the operation went out of business in 1997.
