Double-decker home to community college

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A double-decker in Holbeck has become a community hub for education, thanks to theatre company Slung Low.

The Cultural Community College welcomes new additions to the programme in 2019. FACEBOO
The Cultural Community College welcomes new additions to the programme in 2019. FACEBOOK

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The Cultural Community College offers free classes, and was inspired by the company itself learning new skills whilst making a series of works for Hull City of Culture in 2017.

The hub provides a range of classes varying as widely as ‘How to make vegetarian Indian food, to ‘Art as activism’ and ‘stargazing’.

Speaking to the Independent, Alan Lane, Slung Low Artistic Director, said: “We had this idea that we could open a college that would not be in any way useful for anyone’s occupation,” Lane explains. “That it would operate beyond the market, that it would be ‘pay what you decide’, and that we would teach as broad a cultural offer – from stargazing to blacksmithing and everything in between – as we could possibly finance.”