Driver CPC: Turning a chore into a benefit

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It’s now 10 years since the introduction of the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence. Coach and bus drivers who drive for hire or reward must renew their Driver CPC status by completing 35 hours of vocational training every five years. Put like that it seems a laudable scheme, so why do many feel it’s a waste of time? Stuart Render spent a week in the classroom and discovered how one training company is focusing on the benefits

It’s 0800hrs on a Monday morning and I’m sat in a classroom at Apex Training Services in Peterborough. There are 19 of us in total, 18 men and one woman, a mix of PCV and HGV drivers, all joining one of Apex’s monthly five-day generic Driver CPC courses.

A few smiles as Mick brandishes a copy of the Highway Code. STUART RENDER

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