Driver’s heritage tribute

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Richard’s funeral cortège, complete with motorcycle escort, in Northampton’s bus station. NTH

MAIN TEXT: Colleagues and friends of a much-loved Northampton driver lined the town’s bus station to pay tribute when his funeral cortège of six buses passed through. Richard Heron, who was 65, had driven for Shelton Osborne, United Counties and latterly Stagecoach, and was also a keen member of Northampton Transport Heritage (NTH) which arranged for four preserved vehicles to attend the event on 1 December.

Having travelled from St Mary’s Catholic Church, where Richard had been a keen worshipper, the cortège stopped in the bus station for two minutes for staff and passengers to pay their respects.

Escorted by Lambretta scooters from a local club and other motorcyclists, the procession then made its way to Kingsthorpe Cemetery, where the vehicle carrying Richard, 1961 United Counties Bristol MW YBD 201, continued to the graveside.


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Former United Counties 1961 Bristol MW5G YBD 201 carried Richard from the church to the cemetary. NTH

Richard regularly drove heritage vehicles for NTH. Chairman Graham Croucher said: “Everyone who knew Richard will all say the same thing; what a gentleman he was, how helpful and considerate he was and how he was just such a lovely man. He was also a professional bus and coach driver for well over 35 years.

“After a lifetime of dedicated service to the travelling public, we think that is it fitting that our dear friend Richard is given a fitting send off and is conveyed in a style that befits the love he had for his profession. NTH was deeply honoured, proud and humbled to be able not only to pay our own respects to a great man, but also to provide heritage transport for his family and friends.”

Two Stagecoach double-deckers carried Richard’s colleagues.
