East Yorkshire transition

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Looking smart despite wintry conditions is MCV-bodied Volvo B5TL BP66 VLC. LEWIS WELHAM

The story of the transition of East Yorkshire Motor Services from family owned operator to Go-Ahead subsidiary is profiled in a new book which could make an ideal Christmas present, reports Nick Larkin

Lewis Welham, the author of a new book on East Yorkshire Buses, works in the ambulance service as a paramedic but has been a keen bus enthusiast throughout his life, with a particular interest in East Yorkshire. “As with many people, it started off with a toy bus at Christmas and my passion the buses has just developed from there, although I’ve lost count of how many models I now own,” he laughs. “I’m so grateful to my mum, dad and grandma who took me on days out and let my love for buses blossom, and I have an amazing girlfriend who supports me. They don’t know how much it means to me.”

Asked why he doesn’t work in the industry he has such a passion for, Lewis explained: “Being a paramedic can be challenging at times and having a day off where I can escape with the camera from the stresses of modern life keeps me sane! Sometimes mixing business with pleasure means you lose that enthusiasm – although I’d never say never! The job is of course stressful and I’m sadly attending some severe incidents – getting out with the camera offers me that escape and it definitely keeps me sane.


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“I publish my photographs on several websites, mainly Instagram and Flickr, and was approached by a photobook company to do some advertising from them. Whilst doing this the idea was had that this could be a book and I’m grateful to the team at Amberley for running with this idea further and working with me to go all the way into publishing. I had been itching to do a publication on photographs I have taken for a while, and showcasing the changes implemented from the Go-Ahead takeover in 2018 was the perfect way to do it. It completes the East Yorkshire story to date,” Lewis added.

A £6m investment in new vehicles immediately followed the Go-Ahead take-over, along with £1m for new Ticketer equipment, with the company consistently investing in its staff and fleet meaning there’s a constant stream of changes to keep Lewis on his toes.

“Go-Ahead has thankfully kept the local East Yorkshire identity, with a new attractive Ray Stenning-derived livery alongside a new logo and branding that respects the heritage of East Yorkshire while also giving it brighter colours in a more modern style,” he added.

Pictures and captions in the book illustrate the changes made by Go-Ahead whilst also looking at the past, with Lewis doing well to have captured every possible livery and vehicle type in all seasons and types of weather. Lewis also pays tribute to East Yorkshire’s staff, whose support, assistance and professionalism he said make the company what it is today. “Thank you for letting me recall such significant changes,” he concluded.

One of the author’s favourite photos. Seen against a glorious sunset heading out of Cayton on the Coaster service between Filey and Bridlington is ADL Enviro200 YW19 VOG. LEWIS WELHAM
Wright Gemini 796 BG15 RNN at Welton on service 55 to Hull. LEWIS WELHAM













Special offer for CBW readers

East Yorkshire Buses by Lewis Welham is published by Amberley, 1SBN 978-1 3981-1433-3, price £15.99, and available via amberley-books.com. However, CBW readers can obtain the book at a discount by also emailing the author directly at [email protected], from whom the book can be purchased for £14.99 plus postage and packing of £2.99, and will be signed with a message of your choice.

PD restoration in progress

Seen under restoration at East Yorkshire’s Anlaby Road, Hull workshops is preserved 1963 East Lancs-bodied Leyland PD2 new to Lancaster and a long-term member of East Yorkshire’s heritage fleet. The bus is popular for proms and special events. DARREN KENDREW