Engineering success

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Karl Smith spoke to Angela Youngman about his role with Xelabus and the company’s operations

Back in the 1980s, Karl Smith’s father discouraged him from following in his footsteps as a vehicle engineer. Instead, Karl opted for electrical engineering – only to find that his eventual career path led inexorably back to vehicles by joining Xelabus.

Karl Smith, Engineering Director at Xelabus

“I am an electrical engineer by trade, because my father didn’t want me to be a truck engineer. Now I am doing very much what my dad did. The wheel has gone full circle. A few years ago, Gareth Blair approached me to ask me to come and work for him at Xelabus. I have known Gareth for over 20 years, going back to when we both worked at Hendy Ford truck dealers. At the time he asked me, I had my own company operating car transporters but decided to sell that and join Gareth. The timing was good as I had been considering selling for a while. The transporters were a successful business, but it was very stressful,” Karl explained. “I joined Gareth as Fleet Manager and then moved up to Engineering Director when I got my CPC Transport Management qualifications. It has enabled Phil Blair, Gareth’s father, to reduce his hours and take a back seat.” […]

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