Equipmake to repower Big Bus open-tops

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Big Bus Tours is to repower 10 Ankai double-deckers with Equipmake’s zero-emission drivetrain.

Norfolk-based Equipmake has partnered with sightseeing company Big Bus Tours in a fleet deal that will see 10 of the firm’s double-deck open-top buses repowered with Equipmake’s zero-emission electric drivetrain technology. The 10 vehicles scheduled for repowering are all Ankai double-deckers and will be fitted with a 327kWh capacity battery, providing in excess of 120 mile daily range. The first vehicle is expected to enter service in Q1 2024.

CEO of Equipmake Ian Foley said: “We are delighted to be partnering with Big Bus Tours as it continues to make its fleet more sustainable. It’s fantastic to work with companies that share a forward-thinking mindset and recognise the immense advantages of repowering. By choosing to repower, Big Bus Tours will not only benefit from an excellent opportunity to achieve net-zero targets and play a key role in improving local air quality, but also make significant operating cost savings over the purchase of a new electric bus.”

Executive Vice President at Big Bus Tours Gerry Price added: “Our partnership with Equipmake will significantly support us as we transition our fleet to zero emissions. The state-of-the-art technology it has developed and its shared commitment to sustainability makes this a hugely exciting opportunity for us. Through innovations like this, we will be playing our part in improving the capital’s air quality and giving the hundreds of thousands of tourists who use our sightseeing services every year an even more enjoyable experience.”