Fake Twitter account causes concern for employees and passengers

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On Wednesday 14 October a fake Twitter account was made in order to tweet false details about Norfolk operator Sanders Coaches closing.

The account was made by reversing the company’s official Twitter handle @SandersCoaches to show as @CoachesSanders.

The company was made aware of the tweets and immediately took action to get the account removed. Charles Sanders said: “We have been hit again by a fake Twitter account that is falsely advising of the closure of our business due to Covid-19. This is of course completely untrue but has caused plenty of worry and distress for our loyal customers. We have even had press contact us for comment on our closure such is the effort and detail this person has put into the article. I wish to reassure that we are very much alive and well and there is no immediate threat to this business closing. We are awaiting its removal by Twitter and have also advised Norfolk Police and the local press who will advise accordingly.”


The fake Twitter account went into detail about the closure. TWITTER