Fight to save historic bus station

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Protesters have organised a petition to fight closure plans for the historic Lewes Bus Station in East Sussex.

An application for 39 apartments, two houses and 19 car parking spaces plus retail space has been submitted for the site. Hundreds signed a petition organised by Lewes Chamber of Commerce to save the bus station, pointing out not only its historic nature but its being a major asset in the centre of town.

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The campaigners have won support from the 20th Century Society. In a statement, the society said: “Constructed in 1951-54 for the Southdown Bus Company by the local practice of Clayton, Black and David, Lewes bus station is an elegant and well-preserved piece of mid-century architecture.

“We believe the building has heritage significance in, at least, a local context and consider it to be a non-designated heritage asset (NDHA). We strongly oppose plans to demolish the building and urge the developers and local authority to think seriously about possible new uses for it.”

The Chamber of Commerce believes the proposal to demolish it will have a detrimental effect, leading to increased traffic, fewer shoppers, and add to the pollution that the local councils are trying to cut back on. It also pointed out that the bus station allows people to wait, change, board and leave buses easily and safely, and that demolishing it will also lead to narrow pavements becoming more crowded with an increased number of people waiting at bus stops.

The Chamber said it had been told by operator Brighton & Hove that the loss of the bus station would mean fewer buses in the area, as there is not enough space outside Waitrose for the current regularity.

To sign the petition search Lewes Bus Station at

Lewes bus station. PAUL LLEWELLYN