From duo to trio

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Damien has a long history in the trade. ADRIAN MORTON

A chance discovery led Adrian Morton to a new business and an old acquaintance in the bus and coach refurbishment sector

On a recent trip south to visit an operator, I decided for a change to take the train; after all I like rail travel as it gives me an opportunity to work or merely sit and relax and watch the world go by. For me, it also avoided the morning rush hour on the dreaded M6 through Birmingham. I’ve recently taken a dislike to the railways though, due to the never ending list of cancellations which have left services too unreliable and overall not a pleasant experience. Today, however, I was fortunate that everything went to plan.

Just after leaving Banbury we went through Kings Sutton, a picturesque village but not coach friendly to serve when you have to squeeze through the parked cars and buildings if on rail replacement. Indeed I’ve known some drivers refuse to go there. Unfortunately, to the detriment of the travelling public, that is now the calibre of individuals that some coach operators have to employ, to ensue their vehicles are out on the road and earning money.

It really is a sad state of affairs but if I start on that now it will be many paragraphs before I can reach a stop!

Getting back to the point in hand, from my train window, just south of the station I saw some coaches parked, near to where I had previously witnessed some others, but in a different yard. A few weeks later when I had the car I chose to investigate, and it was here in the former station yard at Aynho, that I found the premises of Nick and Damien Coach and Bus Trimmers.

New venture

George, Damien and Nick are the faces behind the new venture. ADRIAN MORTON

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