Go directly to Bodmin Jail, do not pass go…

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Alan Payling suggests a visit to an attraction in Cornwall will satisfy the curiosity of those passengers who have a morbid fascination with the dark side of criminal life, the paranormal – and death by hanging. The Bodmin Jail Experience might just be a place your passengers are dying to go to

Bodmin Jail before it was refurbished. It was a grim place. ROBERT LINDSELL

It was the writer George Orwell who noted the morbid fascination of the English with those poor people who had met a grisly end. His famous essay ‘The decline of the English murder’ recalls the time in the 1930s when Sunday newspapers like The News of the World splashed gruesome tales of homicide across their pages so people could have a good read about a murder (or two) after their roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.


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