Go North East will resume the running of its AD122 Hadrian’s Wall Country Bus from Saturday 4 July to help support the opening of businesses and attractions.

The return of the AD122 bus will help workers and visitors at businesses and attractions get to their destination if they are unable to use other forms of transport.
Attractions opening from Saturday include The Sill, Roman Army Museum, Vindolanda, Chesters Roman Fort, Corbridge Roman Town, Birdoswald Roman Fort and Housesteads Roman Fort, with any visitors having to book online in advance.
Martijn Gilbert, Managing Director at Go North East, said: “We’re glad to be bringing back our AD122 bus to help support workers and visitors at businesses and attractions for whom public transport is the only choice.
“We hope in the not too distant future we’ll be able to welcome more people back onboard to see the sights and delights of Hadrian’s Wall Country.”