Help needed to secure Whippet Bedford’s future

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A member of the family which ran legendary independent operator Whippet is appealing for help to secure the future of a coach bought new in 1960. Peter Lee was a director of the Cambridgeshire firm until it sold out to Tower Transit in 2014.

Some 10 years ago, Whippet bought back Bedford SB5 746FEW, which is now believed to be the only Yeates Fiesta-bodied coach to survive. Much work was done on the vehicle prior to the takeover of Whippet, and it was made to run. But Peter explained: “When the bus was moved from our depot at Swavesey, due to the imminent sale of our business to Tower Transit, it was done at some speed. Unfortunately due to this many items that had been stored separately were simply put into the coach – and hopefully these can be removed so we can see what state the vehicle is in now.”

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