Historically important Bedford for sale

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The first Bedford bus ever built is for sale by aauction after many years as part of Vauxhall’s heritage collection. The 1931 Bedford WHB joins a number of important cars from the collection going under the hammer at the Brightwells online auction later this month.

TM 9347, which carries its original Waveney body, was new to Arlington as a demonstrator before later passing to Woodham of Melchbourne. The vehicle is in good order generally though requires light recommissioning.


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“We are delighted to be able to offer such an historically important bus as this one. There has already been a lot of interest in the vehicle,” said Brightwells Auction Manager Toby Service.

Bedford buses and coaches were a major part of the British market, with models like the OB and SB being the backbone of many operators, for many years. Production ceased in 1986.

Bidding opens at 1000hrs on Monday 21 September and closes Thursday 24 at 1900hrs, details can be found via brightwellslive.com or by telephone on 01568 611122.

The very first Bedford bus is going under the hammer at an auction later this month. BRIGHTWELLS