Armed with his knowledge from behind the wheel, North West of England driver Busman Bob airs his views on Government transport policy – and bemoans the lack of traffic enforcement by local authorities, even on high-profile bus priority infrastructure
As a bus driver, one of the biggest headaches I face in East Lancashire everyday is parked vehicles. I’m sure lots of bus drivers all over the country will have an opinion on this.
Whilst you would expect the biggest problem to be on housing estates, I fear that local authorities need to do more on a lot of main roads to make bus routes more accessible as the ever-increasing number of cars and vans habitually slow down buses several times in a very short distance. As you know, millions of pounds has been spent on the Pennine Reach Scheme (which was featured in CBW earlier this year in the Transdev Blazefield superfeature) – only for cars to be often dumped in bus lanes, especially in the evenings – but nevertheless still causing obstructions to buses. As local authorities have suggested reinstating some services that were cut, I fear that unless more is done to police parking offenders, some routes will become so problematic that in another decade you won’t get a bus around them.[…]
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