Lothian pulling together

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According to Edinburgh Evening News, Lothian Buses’ Interim Chairman Tony Depledge has held one-to-one discussions with three executive directors –  Operations Director Bill Campbell, Engineering Director Bill Devlin and Finance Director Norman Strachan. The men who had not been seen at Lothian Buses’ HQ for two weeks since CEO Ian Craig returned to work after being cleared of any wrongdoing following a complaint by the three, have reportedly agreed to return to work. Regular meetings are planned that will bring all four men together for the first time since early September.

In a statement, Tony Depledge said: “Each of the four executive directors has assured me of their support for my efforts to resolve our current problems.

“I will bring the directors together as a group on a regular basis, under my Chairmanship, to work our way out of the problems. The executive directors have agreed to this and will start our work together next week.

“I believe that the knowledge, skills and experience that each of them has is of immense value to the company. Through a joint effort, under my Chairmanship, I believe we can work our way out of the problems we have encountered recently.”