Love in a coach park

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Michelle and Chris love being together – wherever that is. ALAN PAYLING

Alan Payling meets up with a couple of tour drivers who, having fallen in love after meeting in a coach park, got married and then carried on touring. Did they live happily ever after?

There’s a bit of romance about being a tour driver and the wanderlust that is part and parcel of their way of life. They get up at the crack of dawn, and as the sun is coming up, they head off into the wide blue yonder ending up anywhere in Europe – or at least, in Blackpool. That romance can also turn to love. For example, I’ve come across drivers who have fallen for one of their passengers. Sometimes the other half then ends up travelling with their spouse acting as tour manager so they don’t have to worry about whether absence will make their hearts grow fonder. But what happens when a tour driver meets another tour driver and they fall in love? Then they get married and carry on touring. For the same firm. How does that work? […]

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