Motoring penalties to rise

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Stephen Hammond MP has announced changes to the fixed penalty levels which will become effective from July 2013.

The changes are:

  • A £30 non-endorsable fine will rise to £50;
  • A £60 endorsable and nonendorsable fine will rise to £100;
  • A £120 endorsable and nonendorsable fine will rise to £200; and
  • A £200 endorsable and non-endorsable fine will rise to £300

The changes are being introduced following an extensive public consultation in 2012 with road safety groups and Police forces.

As well as affecting most motoring fixed penalties offences, graduated fixed penalties and financial deposits will also increase due to the changes, which includes offences like drivers’ hours and overloading.

Alastair Peoples, VOSA Chief Executive, said: “These new penalty levels are intended to ensure penalties reflect the seriousness of the offence and are consistent with those in other areas of offending.

“I know the majority of operators and drivers work within the law but those that don’t need to know there are increased financial consequences and they should reconsider if it’s worth the risk.”

More information can be found at