Navya Arma Berne demonstration

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The Navya Arma demonstrating in Berne had been operating in Sion for PostAuto since June 2016. POSTAUTO

Autonomous smart shuttle demonstration scheduled for Swiss capital

SWITZERLAND A Navya Arma autonomous electric vehicle that has been operated by PostAuto in Sion was expected to demonstrate in the Swiss capital, Berne on August 1, 2017. Christened the SmartShuttle, it was due to demonstrate its capabilities on a circuit on the Waisenhausplatz (Orphanage Plaza).

PostAuto is one of the first operators in the world to use automated buses to transport people on public roads. Two SmartShuttles have been operating in the centre of Sion since June 2016 and have now carried more than 23,000 people.

The project is officially due to end on October 31, 2017, but the possibility of extending it is being explored.

SmartShuttles have no steering wheels or pedals. Sensors create a virtual map of the route and the vehicle is able to determine its own position. If it encounters an obstacle such as a passer-by walking into its path, it will automatically brake, although an onboard ‘companion’ is always in a position to manually override using a console.

In contrast to the Navya Arma, a vintage Saurer dating from 1964 was also expected to be in action during the demonstration day.