NCT names route 35 bus after Kenneth Alan Taylor

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To coincide with the last day of Kenneth Alan Taylor’s 35th Nottingham Playhouse Pantomime – Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood – Nottingham City Transport, the Panto sponsor, unveiled a bus named after him.

Kenneth Alan Taylor and Anthony Carver Smith from NCT. NCT
Kenneth Alan Taylor and Anthony Carver Smith from NCT. NCT

The bus was unveiled outside Nottingham Playhouse on 19 January 2019. Kenneth joins 26 other people to have had buses named after them by the current City Operator of the Year. [wlm_nonmember][…]

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An Orange Line 35 bus – the same number of pantomimes Kenneth has written and directed at Nottingham Playhouse – now displays his name on the front along with an internal panel citing his achievements.

The 35 bus passes Nottingham Playhouse as well as University Park Campus, where Kenneth was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters by the University of Nottingham in 2011.

Commenting on the bus naming, Kenneth said: “I am so thrilled by this honour. Other people may get OBEs etc. but how many get a bus named after them? Many thanks to Nottingham City Transport.”

Anthony Carver-Smith, NCT Marketing Manager, added: “As proud Playhouse Panto sponsors, NCT couldn’t miss the opportunity to recognise the milestone of the 35th pantomime written and directed by Kenneth. The arts play such an important role in enabling people to express and enjoy themselves and we look forward to continuing our partnership with Nottingham Playhouse to maximise the opportunities for people in our city to enjoy great performances in the years to come.”
