Following the launch of Nottingham City Transport’s (NCT) first electric buses last year, the company says it is delighted to announce the introduction of its latest electric buses to its ‘Green Line’ routes 5, 7, 8 and 9 which run between the city centre, Nottingham railway station, Trent Bridge and the West Bridgford area.

NCT held a launch event on Saturday 8 February, in Central Avenue, West Bridgford, where one of the brand-new electric buses was on display. The introduction marks the first phase of the operator’s next batch of 24 electric single-deck buses, which will be introduced in the next few months, with a further 14 due towards the end of the year.
NCT Managing Director David Astill said: “It was great to welcome so many residents on board their new Bridgford Bus at our launch event in the heart of West Bridgford on Saturday. With an unbeatable daytime frequency of up to every five minutes through Central Avenue this upgrade to our Bridgford Bus services shows our commitment to providing a high quality alternative to the car.”